Vegetarian Lentil Soup
Vegetarian Lentil Soup
Servings Prep Time
41/2 cup servings 5minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
41/2 cup servings 5minutes
Cook Time
  1. Diced up your onion, carrots, celery, garlic and mushrooms.
  2. Heat up your oil in a small pot on the stove on medium high heat then saute your veggies until softened and the onion has become clear. Add in your rinsed lentils and saute for 30 seconds.(this adds loads more flavor!)
  3. Add in your veggie broth and bring to a boil then turn to low and cover for 20 minutes.
  4. Add salt and pepper to taste when the lentils have doubled in size and you are all ready to eat! Simple healthy protein packed cheap meals are great =D

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