Shrimp Tacos with Spanish Style Rice
Shrimp Tacos with Spanish Style Rice
Servings Prep Time
3tacos 3 minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
3tacos 3 minutes
Cook Time
Shrimp Tacos
Taco Sauce
Spanish Style Rice
Spanish Style Rice
  1. Add chopped onion, jalapeno’s, and spices into a preheated and oiled pot. Heat on high for about 2-3 minutes to caramelize the onions; ah smells good right.
  2. Add in your dry rice to soak up all of that flavor for about 30-60 seconds.
  3. Add your 2 cups of water and half a cup of salsa. *Add a little less than 2 cups of water if you want a thicker style rice.
  4. Bring to a boil. Cover and set temperature to low and cook for 20 minutes or until rice has absorbed the water.
Shrimp Tacos
  1. Heat butter and oil in a small skillet on medium high heat. Place shrimp into skillet and cook until shrimp has turned white and no longer translucent. (5-6 minutes) *Add in garlic if you want to have fresh breathe.
  2. After the shrimp have fully cooked, salt and pepper should be added. Drain and let cool for 2 minutes before adding to tortillas.
  3. Grab a tortilla and become an taco engineer for a minute. Tortillas + shrimp + lettuce + sauce=Yum-O.
Taco Sauce
  1. Use a fancy mixing container and stir together, mayonnaise, mustard, vinegar, garlic, onion, and chili powder.
  2. Wow, this sauce turned out great. This homemade sauce is better than most seafood restaurants that I have eaten at and it only took 30 seconds to make.

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