Cinnamon Banana Pancakes
Cinnamon Banana Pancakes
Servings Prep Time
6cakes 1minute
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
6cakes 1minute
Cook Time
  1. This recipe is super simple, which is always the best recipes. Grab two “nanners” and two eggs. *Slice 1/4 of a banana to use as a topping later on.
  2. Mash the bananas in a bowl, then add the cinnamon, salt and a tablespoon of syrup.
  3. Get cracking the eggs and mix them well into the banana mixture.
  4. Heat a non-stick or greased pan on medium-high heat. Pour about a 1/4 of a cup of batter onto the heated pot.
  5. Cook each side for about two minutes before setting aside under a paper towel to keep warm until the other cakes have cooked.
  6. The pancakes should be lightly browned and slightly crispy. The natural sugars within the bananas will caramelize into a delicious treat.
  7. Top the still warm pancakes with butter and the slices of bananas.
  8. Add some of your favorite syrup and enjoy this super cheap and healthy breakfast option. Kids think they are eating a dessert for breakfast so it’s a “win win”.

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